The horror of the Red Wedding is not unlike several events in history. You decide which one best resembles the scene in GOT.
Black Dinner
In 1440 the 6th Earl of Douglas and his younger brother were invited to dine with King James II of Scotland. While they ate, a single drum was beat, and a black bull’s head, the symbol of death, was brought in and placed before the Earl. The two brothers were then dragged out to Castle Hill, given a mock trial and beheaded. The Clan Douglas then laid siege to Edinburgh Castle.
Glencoe Massacre
In the spirit of highland hospitality, Clan Campbell invited Clan MacDonald to rest at their camp in 1692. The MacDonalds, there to collect taxes were lured in with goodwill and then slaughtered in their beds.
In the Kojiki, Emperor Jimmu invited all of his enemies to a feast. After entertaining them with his own song he had all of his enemies executed.
Number 5: The Lannisters and The Starks
Number 4: Henry Tudor and Daenerys Targaryen
Number 3: The Wall